
Our Year-Long Books for a Donation Drive
Some Libraries host Book Sales 1-2 times per year. The Rockwall County Library has an ongoing rotation of books available for a donation ALL YEAR LONG!
Our only request is a monetary donation for the books you select and take. Suggested amounts are posted at The Alcove. A teal collection box for monetary donations is at the front counter.
Lynn Fate manages The Book Alcove. You might recognize her as she owned Roma's Books in Rockwall! You will see her often in the Book Alcove managing the revolving inventory from community donations. We love Lynn and her love for books!
The Book Alcove is open for you to peruse during Library hours, 6 days a week! If you wish to donate gently used books, CD's, or DVD's please take them to the front counter.
For more information about volunteering at The Book Alcove, contact us.